About Us

Vision of ICGC

To establish the house of God, through the development of Model New Testament Christians and Churches

That is, we have the commitment to train and equip God’s people who come to our church to develop and grow into maturity with in Christ so they will manifest the character of Christ.

History of ICGC Westlands

West Legon Assembly was inaugurated on Sunday 11th December, 2005 under canopies in the residence of a church member with Eric Awuku as the head pastor. It started with an initial strength of about 15 members and a set of sound equipment witch was bought on credit and a set of canopies acquired through the donations of dedicated brethren. It has since grown in number and strength and now meets in its own auditorium. 

Mission Statement

  • Raising leaders
  • Shaping vision
  • And influencing society through Christ

Through our programs, we trust to make the lives of our people better than before they come to church, and redirect their perceptions and behaviours in conformity with God’s words. This attitude which is based on the word of God will transform the lives of people in their communities, work places, schools and so on.

Our Logo

This consists of the globe with highlights on the African continent. It has four pillars and an oval ring around it holding them together.

The globe represents the world and our focus to reach out internationally. The four pillars represents the main focus and devotion the early church was committed to namely, Doctrine, Prayer, Fellowship and Breaking of bread.

Our Philosophy

  • Practise Christianity
  • Human Dignity
  • Excellence

We believe Christianity is not a myth. God’s word preached must bring truths that can produce results when applied to one’s life.

Gain, every human being is created in the image and likeness of God and must be treated with respect and honour. While everything the Christian or human being will do must be in excellence shape. (Daniel 5: 12)